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Feeling tired and overwhelmed?

Struggling to stay on top if it all?

Unsure if you even have a work life balance?

As leaders, we tend to give so much
that we almost break.
But that is so in-effective!

Let me show you a way to take back control
and become more relaxed,
more effective
and a lot happier in the process.

You may have heard a lot about meditation.
For example, that meditation is one of the only proven, non-medical ways to lower your stresslevel.

I know for many it is a bit of hurdle to actually get a meditation practice started. And if you have, maybe you are constantly searching for new meditations that will actually support you in the things you are looking for.

That’s why I have created this free meditation kickstarter, which offers five mindset shifts that will change your relationship to meditation (even if you’ve tried & failed, only have 5 minutes a day or hate sitting in lotus position).

This free PDF includes three free guided meditations: one to get grounded and centred, one to release overwhelm and one on self validation (which in my opinion is one of the most overlooked leadership skills!).

Yes please!