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Sovereign Leadership

in Every Day Life & Biz

an online course for people who want to level up their leadership game through more than lipservice

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We believe

the challenges most leaders face
have everything to do with the changing expectations they face.

The time we are living in is asking us to step up our game.
To transform into our best possible selves,
to become and to live the new type of leaders our world needs.

And yes, you do know what is being asked of you:

to be aligned & authentic,
to communicate in a conscious & connected way,
to be balanced & non-reactive at all times

and especially:

to integrate the different parts of you
into authentic power.

But you do wonder... HOW?

What do all the buzzwords really mean?

What do they look like in real, day-to-day life?

And most importantly: what does all this mean for ME?

We hear you!

We hear your call for clarity & concreteness

We also know, that making something your own is a process. It's not about tips & tricks, not about simple tools.

It's about knowing and listening and true understanding.

We know this, because we live it.

Every day, we progress a little further and we invite you to walk with us for a few weeks.

Sovereign Leadership in Every Day Life & Biz

 is for you if:

  • feminine energie/ werken met je intuïtie… hoe doe je dat dan precies in het dagelijkse leven/werk. hoe gaat dat eruit zien? 
  • logisch en praktisch 
  • lekker aanpakken, niet zeuren energie. 
  • hoe breng je twee kanten van jezelf bij elkaar
  • cyclisch leven, menstruatiecyclus meenemen in programma
  • bewustzijn business astrologie
  • manifesting/Venus: alles dat van waarde is (o.a. geld).
  • 12 sterrenbeelden = 6 polariteiten= elk deel levenswiel